Digi-Art project has 2 main results. These are;
Digi-Art Training Programme
The Digi-Art project aims to address the vocational training gap in digital art production, a comprehensive vocational training program focusing on the metaverse and NFT fields. The digital technology and technology literacy skills of the artists will be developed with the module contents that provide information about the applications used on creative coding and algorithmic design.
C-Art Community Platform
The main activities of our project will be carried out in France, Portugal and in Turkey . In general, the following activities will be carried out in these countries.
- Co-creation meeting in Porto, Portugal (2-7 May)
- 4 weeks online training (September-October)
- Community Gathering in İstanbul for 7 days (November)
- Digi-Art Exhibition in Nice, France (2024)
- Local dissemination activities
During co-creation activity in Porto the needs of digital art artist and artists will be analyzed and the framework of the training program will be constructed.
After the co-creation activity, partners will work on the training program. Training program will be implemented up to 80 artists from all over the world and the modules will be present in the C-Art Platform of Digi-Art Website. After 4 weeks of online training, 25 artists and representatives are going to gather in İstanbul for 7 days community gathering meeting.
Within the scope of the 7-day workshop, practical training will be provided, and the artists will improve their skills. By visiting digital art centers, on-site observation and job shadowing will be provided. By bringing artists together, the workshop will also improve peer learning.
As final activity, with the artworks of the new Digi-Art community, international Digi-Art Exhibition in France, Nice will be curated by the coordinator and the consortium for 2 days. The Digi-Art Exhibitions serves the aims of disseminate the project and its results, showcase the outputs produced by the consortium with the contribution of all partners, stakeholders and participating artists.